Your Disease is Trying to Cure You (1978)

This article originally appeared as Disease Is Remedial Activity (1978) the author is Herbert M. Shelton. “Polio has struck twice within six days in the family of…. ” These words formed the first part of a statement in a news item published

The Real Cause of Death

In 1993 the New England Journal of Medicine came out with a very well-research report stating that 70% of our diseases are lifestyle related, and that eight of the nine leading causes of death here in America are lifestyle related. Now, what

Enervation And Toxemia (1964)

In line with the old concept of disease as something imposed from without, an attackingentity, medical men and the public have been taught to think of causation in terms of germs,viruses, parasites; resistance as the capacity of the body to marshal its

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