
The Rat Theory of Garbage

One pathogen; One disease; One therapy. This is the paradigm of infectious disease etiology established in the second half of the nineteenth century by Robert Koch and Louis Pasteur.

I refer to Louis Pastuer’s “Germ Theory of Disease” as the Rat Theory of Garbage takingafter my associate Tim O’ Shea who wrote the very influential book Vaccination is not Immunization. Show me a building full of rats, and I’ll show you a building full of garbage. Show me a person who has cancer, bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitic infections and I will show you a person who has accumulated waste matter in organs and tissues, low oxygen levels, weakened immunity, nutritional deficiencies, and an acidic pH environment caused by a toxic diet, environment, and lifestyle. In other words: If germs cause disease, then rats must cause garbage.

Some people use the analogy of firetrucks showing up at the scene of a burning building. If you are not careful, you might draw the conclusion that because firetrucks are always seen at the scene of a burning building, that firetrucks must cause buildings to burn.

Similarly, enlightened understanding demonstrates that disease-associated microorganisms do not produce disease condition themselves – any more than mosquitos cause a stagnant swamp or vultures cause dead rabbits. These are simply scavengers attracted to a habitat which supports them. While flies, maggots and rats do not cause garbage, they do feed off of it. And just as flies and maggots and rats cannot survive without a food source, it’s only when the body is acidic that it is vulnerable to germs. In a healthy base balance, in a body with an operating immune system, the germ can’t get a foothold.

The concept of regulating the body’s pH to stay well in a world full of sickness and disease has been leading to a paradigm shift in nutritional science. This proven science within the field of microbiology dates back to the late 1800s. After a century of suppression by the pharmaceutical elite, it recently became one of the hottest new trends in the health and nutrition industry, popularized in books like The pH Miracle Revised (2010) and Sick and Tired? Reclaim Your Inner Terrain (2000) by Robert O. Young, Never Be Sick Again (2002) by Raymond E. Francis and my first book The Battle for Health is Over pH (2005).

A renowned 19th century French scientist named Antoine Béchamp (1816-1908) pioneered this health-based research. He was a microbiologist accredited as a Master of Pharmacy, Doctor of Science, Doctor of Medicine, Professor of Medical Chemistry and Pharmacy, Fellow and Professor of Physics and Toxicology, Professor of Biological Chemistry and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine. He remained a research scientist up until his death at 91. Upon his death in 1908, it took up eight pages of The National Journal of France just to list the titles of his scientifically published works.

Antoine Béchamp showed scientifically that it isn’t the bacteria or the viruses themselves that produce disease but are the aftermath of it. They appear once the tissue is already diseased. Other 20th century cellular terrain specialists such as Claude Bernard, Virginia Livingston-Wheeler, Günther Enderlein, Gaston Naessens and Arthur Kendall advanced his research further. Their cutting-edge discoveries showed conclusive proof of the correlation between proper acid-alkaline pH balance of the body’s cells, tissues and fluids and an optimum state of health. Béchamp and his colleagues concluded that the cause of disease is not germs themselves, but rather that the inner condition of the patient’s cellular terrain at the time of exposure determined whether germs and pathogens would incubate or remain dormant.

One of Béchamp’s profound discoveries was that the foundation of all live on earth revolves around tiny indestructible entities called microzymas. Günther Enderlein, a renowned German scientist later called them protits, and Dr. Gaston Naessens, an elite French microbiologist, called them somatids – Béchamp was not on his own in thinking this! “Micro” means small or tiny and “zymas” refers to enzymatic. According to Béchamp, microzymas exist in every cell and all bodily fluids and they have an innate intelligence that communicates genetic information to the cell. Our performance of everyday tasks, from touching and seeing to breathing and thinking could all be traced to the concerted actions of invisible molecular messengers run by these microzymas. They govern all bodily functions.

In a state of vibrant health, the microzymas perform evolved aerobic fermentation harmoniously, as seen when grapes ferment into wine, or when beneficial gut flora (like acidophilus and bifidus) proliferate through fermentation in the gut wall. On the other hand, in a diseased condition (characterized by low oxygen, malnutrition, acid pH, poor circulation, stress, and built-up toxins in and around the cells,) the microzymas signal the cells, altering them to respirate anaerobically, and bring the organism back to the soil (the dust of the earth.) This is because the organism itself is debilitated to the point of being sick and dying. Ultimately, it’s the microzymas that are responsible for a dead animal or a leaf from a tree decomposing back to the ground, transferring a cycle of life back to the dust of the earth for future plant growth.

The microzymas have their own innate intelligence and change to fit their environment like little chameleons. to produce either life-giving microorganisms (LIVE) or death-giving pathogens (EVIL/VILE) depending on the cellular terrain. This is why the pH of the body counts so much. pH is the engine that drives the microzymas. If the pH is alkaline, it will direct the microzymas to construct healthy molecules for a healthy immune system, thick strands of hair, tough fingernails, even building strong ligaments and blood vessels. On the other hand, if the pH is acidic, it will direct the microzymas to construct molecules that create weakened fingernails, unhealthy dermis layers, weakened immune cells, frail blood vessels, and what have you. Extreme heat, radiation, and symptom manipulation from pharmaceuticals like antibiotics can also cause these entities to morph to fit their environment and change their face into pathogens. Or at least organisms that appear to be pathogens, from the perspective of mainstream, allopathic medicine. A lot of people are now arguing that these so-called pathogens are actually doing a legitimate job.  Microscopic germs evolve into yeast, molds, viruses, fungi and other morbid microforms that eat away at necrotic acid tissues, acting as a clean-up crew. They are trying to restore health to the body by consuming garbage that has no business in being there. But everything has a price. If a person adapts to the new homeostasis that is taking place in their body, then they will continue on with their bad habits, pursuing too acidic a diet, their health will remain compromised – or their body will continue to degenerate even more through the seven stages of disease.

The scientific community has adopted Louis Pasteur’s Germ Theory of Disease as The Whole Truth: that germs and pathogens are the direct cause of most disease, and that the best we can do is avoid them. Meanwhile, they have disregarded the revelations of Béchamp’s microzymian principle: that the acidic condition of the patient’s cellular environment creates disease. This marks one of the most controversial turns of events in modern history.

Dr. M. L. Leverson, M. D., Ph. D., M. A., an American physician practicing during Pasteur and Béchamp’s era discovered some of Antoine Béchamp’s writings in New York and realized that Pasteur had plagiarized some of his Béchamp’s work. Upon this discovery Leverson went to France and personally met with Béchamp where he heard the story of plagiarism first-hand. After that meeting, he had done a great deal to bring Béchamp’s work to public attention. Here is what Leverson had to say about Pasteur as it’s quoted in the book, The Dream and Lie of Lois Pasteur: “…the entire fabric of the germ theory of disease rests upon assumptions which not only have not been proven, but which are incapable of proof, and many of them can be proved to be the reverse of the truth. The basic one of these unproven assumptions, the credit for which in its present form is wholly due to Pasteur, is the hypothesis that all the so called infections and contagious disorders are caused by germs, each disease having its own specific germ, which germs have existed in the air from the beginning of things, and that though the body is closed to these pathogen’s germs when in good health, when the vitality is lowered the body becomes susceptible to their inroads.”

It’s a travesty that Pasteur, who knew that Antoine Béchamp was right, never gave credit where credit was due. Before Pasteur copied Béchamp’s experiments he actually believed in spontaneous generation – which is the idea that organisms are just generated spontaneously out of thin air – out of the ether. and he is the one remembered even though Béchamp subsequent experiments actually disprove much of what Pasteur was saying. It was not Pasteur’s Germ Theory of monomorphism that should have become the established curriculum in all medical institutions. This distinguished honor and the health of our modern society should have rested on Béchamp’s microzymas and pleomorphic principles, that germs change form based on the cellular terrain. The entire medical establishment has built a house of cards on Pasteur’s false doctrine. 

The question remains, why would mainstream science continue their research in the wrong direction based upon Pasteur’s false Germ Theory of Disease, when it has long been proven that germs and bacteria are the secondary, rather than the primary cause of disease?

It’s because around it exists a colossal infrastructure of commercial interests that supports a trillion-dollar industry based solely upon this pseudo-science. You will not get qualified as a medical professional if you don’t accept the germ theory of disease, and you will likely lose your license to practice medicine if you reject it after you have graduated already. Unfortunately, until medical science comes to grips with this reality, they will be chasing their tails for another hundred years. And maybe they wouldn’t mind that, as in the meantime they are chasing us round the medical money-go-round. They will keep the scam going as long as they can and persecute and vilify anyone who tries to reveal it for what it is. That puts the responsibility in our hands. If we don’t wake up to this, then we will continue to spend trillions on expensive, invasive treatments that only suppress symptoms, when, for a fraction of the cost, we could be supporting people in restoring health to their bodies by rehabilitating their cellular terrain.

Unfortunately for Béchamp, as well as the rest of us, Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) had deep political pull and incredibly wealthy business associates with global connections, and a theory that supported creating the multi-trillion-dollar medical industry we have today.  These cronies were not interested in health care, but management of sickness at the expense of human lives. They were interested in establishing a new global enterprise to control medicine and disease like some kind of commodity, in hopes of profiting trillion dollars from human suffering.

It is a matter of public record that John D. Rockefeller, the world’s first billionaire, had a hand in forming The American Medical Association (AMA) in 1847 after buying heavily into the then-fledgling pharmaceutical industry. After it’s foundation, The AMA went right ahead using its government-granted monopoly over the healthcare system to shut down medical schools and shape the curriculum of those remaining ones to make sure that all of them reflected Pasteur’s Germ Theory, which is favorable to the pharmaceutical industry who want to prescribe a pill for every ill.  Instead of being trained to work with nature to enhance the body’s natural healing process, doctors would be trained to go against nature, with the kill mode mindset: Kill the bacteria, kill the virus, kill the fungus and kill the tumor – resulting in the slow killing of the patient.

The cover-up of Antoine Béchamp’s discoveries has meant untold misery and suffering for the human race by allowing surgical, pharmaceutical, chemotherapy or radiation, and vaccine research development to dominate mainstream medicine. Had Béchamp’s breakthrough discoveries been incorporated into the current medical curriculum, we would have already been experiencing the virtual elimination of disease and the end of the pharmaceutical industry.

The findings of microbiome research in the last ten to fifteen years have increasingly confirmed what the critics of the germ theory thought in the nineteenth century, “Le microbe n’est rien, le terrain est tout” (the germ in nothing the terrain is everything’) Thomas Hardtmuth M.D. It is said that even Pasteur himself, cried out on his deathbed that Claude Bernard, a leading cellular physiologist, was right on target. That is, the germs are nothing, and the cellular terrain is everything.

Like dogs chasing their own tails, scientists go cross-eyed looking at elephants under a microbe-scope to discover new disease-causing germs – despite the fact that germs and microorganisms are only the secondary, rather than primary, cause of disease. But they do not cause disease all by their microscopic selves, they only take advantage of us when our bodies are in a weakened/compromised state, burdened by toxics. Sickness is not caused bacteria, but bacteria come with sickness.

The discovery of specific micro-organisms relating to tuberculosis, anthrax, diphtheria, was taken as a scientific sensation at the time and found rapid acceptance in society because the image of waging war on bacteria resonated with the spirit of time shaped by military action. The declaration of war on bacteria seemed to provide a clear strategy for victory over disease that seemed immediately obvious to everyone. This is what I call the “kill mode mindset”: Kill the bacteria, kill the virus, kill the fungus and kill the tumor – resulting in the slow killing of the patient.

What makes Pasteur’s Germ Theory so believable is that it seems to be common sense. The killing of bacterial infections such as staphylococcal, streptococci, bacilli and pneumonia seemed to be the cure-all or panacea in the 1950s. But all it did was set up shop for stronger enemy-resistant strains to battle in the future. It’s ironic and indeed pathetic that human beings, the highest form of intelligence on this planet, have managed to build the vast trillion-dollar pharmaceutical industry on the central purpose of poisoning and attacking the lowest forms of life on the planet – GERMS!


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