
Symptoms are not the cause of disease.

1. Cholesterol is not the cause of cardiovascular disease.
2. Antibodies are not the cause of autoimmune disease.
3. Neurochemical imbalance is not the cause of depression.
4. Elevated blood sugar is not the cause of diabetes.
5. High blood pressure is not the cause of heart disease.
6. Inflammation is not the cause of disease.

All of these things are symptoms. Blaming symptoms as the cause of disease, implies the body caused the problem, randomly, without provocation, independently of any external inputs.

Symptoms are the body’s healing response. When you get a splinter in your finger, the inflammation, pus, swelling, pain, redness, tenderness etc are all symptoms. They are the body’s healing response. No one thinks that the inflammation caused the splinter.

If we are to ever truly understand health and disease, we must find and remove the splinter instead of blaming disease on symptoms and then suppressing them.

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